National AIDS Control Programme (NACP) is implemented in terms of Awareness activities for prevention and control; Screening of individuals for HIV infection from the Sub-centre level to the level of hospitals; provision of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) for live Free of cost; Provision of benefits to the People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVs) under the various social welfare schemes of the government.
At the Sub-centre level the prime targets are pregnant women and the target for screening of pregnant women is 100%. At the Designated Microscopy Centres (DMCs), where sputum is examined for TB suspects, there is facility for HIV testing of all confirmed TB cases. Persons found reactive to tests at the Sub-centres and DMCs are counselled and mobilised to the Integrated Counselling and Testing Centres (ICTCs) for confirmation of HIV infection.
Those found positive for HIV in ICTCs are counselled and mobilised to the ART centres where they undergo Pre-ART Registration and if found suitable for ART, the same is initiated. As HIV-TB co-infection is very common a system exists to get all confirmed TB cases for HIV screening and refer all chest symptomatic attending the ICTCs to undergo sputum examinations at the DMCs.